Coast Guard Station Two Rivers History
The U.S. Life Saving Service came to Two Rivers, WI in 1880. Surfman Oliver Pilon was the first keeper of station #286 and served in a distinguished career until his death on April 30, 1892 from pneumonia contracted during a daring rescue in February. In 1908, the life saving station was relocated to its present location and officially became a Coast Guard station in 1915. The keeper, George E. Sogge, was promoted to Warrant Officer and served as the first Commander of Station Two Rivers.
The current building was built in 1940, after the original building was moved downtown to serve as a VFW Post. During World War II, the Two Rivers facility served as a boot camp and a Marine and Boating Safety officer was attached to the station in the 1960s. Due to budgetary reasons, the station was closed in the early 1980s, but was reopened after the station building was renovated in 1987. In 2008, when Aids to Navigation (ANT) Green Bay was decommissioned, Station Two Rivers became a Stations/Aids to Navigation (STANT). During the summer of 2016, the station was separated from the ANT and ANT Two Rivers was commissioned. This change allowed the Coast Guard to better staff, train, and equip boats and crews continuing to serve the Two Rivers area.