Coast Guard Station Michigan City History
The history of Michigan City, IN is rich in maritime legend and lore. This started in 1861 when a new lighthouse was built to assist local fishermen. At the time, the sole responsibility of operating it fell to a woman only 22 years of age, but after 25 years of dedicated service she became a cultural icon for the area. More notably though, in 1889, a new Life Saving Station was built to monitor shipping and help the local populace in times of need. Captain Henry Finch led a meager but competent six man crew that would begin generations of history and heroism.
In 1915, the Life Saving Station was adopted into the newly formed U.S. Coast Guard, under the command of Chief Boatswain's Mate Michael Egle, who led the station into a new era of history; one that would see the unit entirely rebuilt in 1988.