Coast Guard Station (ANT) Kenosha
Coast Guard Station Aids to Navigation Team (STANT) Kenosha is a multi-mission shore facility with a verity of small boat resources and personnel ratings attached. Although the station carries out numerous missions, its primary missions are Search and Rescue and Aids to Navigation (ATON). STANT Kenosha's ATON area of responsibility extends along the western and southern coasts of Lake Michigan from Sheboygan, WI, south to Calumet Harbor, IL, and east to Burns Harbor, IN. STANT Kenosha has the primary responsibility for 60 federal aids to navigation and secondary responsibility for 20 federal aids to navigation assigned to CGC ALDER and CGC MACKINAW. STANT Kenosha also has 166 private aids to navigation in its area of responsibility which are broken down into three classes: Class I, Class II, and Class III aids.
Unit Overview
Unit Information Sheet