Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan
Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan is comprised of 21 Coast Guard Stations/Units that are responsible for 1,638 miles of shoreline and approximately 19,000 square miles of surface water. The Area of Responsibility for Sector Lake Michigan covers four states: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan; in addition to the majority of Lake Michigan, numerous intercoastal waterways, the Chicago River, and 138 miles of the Illinois Des Plaines river system.
Sector Lake Michigan's missions are accomplished by a dedicated workforce of 541 Active Duty, 208 Reserve, and 16 civilian personnel. The Sector's vessel inventory includes 53 boats: two 47' Motor Lifeboats, twelve 45' Response Boat - Medium, nineteen 29' Response Boat - Small (Gen II), one 49' BUSL, and three 21' trailerable aids to navigation TANBs, plus 14 ice skiffs and two 22' airboats.