Sector Corpus Christi


People ¤ Mission Execution ¤ Proficiency


Emergency SAR Line: 1-866-302-0587
Command Center: 1-800-874-2143
Sector Corpus Christi Main Line: 1-877-872-4912

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Captain Jason Gunning


Captain Jason Gunning


CAPT Jason Gunning is currently assigned as the Sector Commander of Coast Guard Corpus Christi serving as the Captain of the Port, Officer-in-Charge of Marine Inspection, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, and Federal On-Scene Coordinator for South Texas.

CAPT Gunning’s career background is in marine safety, coastal security and emergency response. Most recently, he completed a staff assignment at Coast Guard Headquarters for the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy. His prior field assignments include Sector Long Island Sound as the Prevention Department Head, Marine Safety Unit Lake Charles, LA as Executive Officer, and marine inspections tours at Activities Europe in the Netherlands and Marine Safety Office Houston. His first tours after graduating Office Candidate School in 1998 were the Coast Guard Cutters out of Galveston, TX on the PAPAW, working aids to navigation along the Texas Gulf Coast, and DAUNTLESS, conducting law enforcement patrols in the Caribbean.

CAPT Gunning’s personal awards include three Coast Guard Meritorious Service Medals, the Coast Guard Commendation Medal, three Coast Guard Achievement Medals, the Commandant’s Letter of Commendation ribbon and several unit and team awards.

CAPT Gunning grew up in Corpus Christi, TX and graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering before joining the Coast Guard in 1997. He also earned a master’s degree in public policy in 2012 from Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government. CAPT Gunning is married to the former Angela Segura from Houston, TX and has three children.



Captain Michael Cintron


Captain Cintron currently serves as Deputy Sector Commander of Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi serving as Alternate Captain of the Port, Officer-in-Charge of Marine Inspection, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator and Federal On-Scene Coordinator for South Texas.

Captain Cintron’s career background is in operational law and surface operations. Prior to his current assignment he served as the Sector Logistics Chief for Coast Guard Sector San Francisco providing mission support to seven stations, four patrol boats, one aids to navigation team, a marine safety detachment, and a vessel traffic service in an expansive area covering 600 miles of coastline and 1,500 miles of rivers. From 2016 to 2019 he served as the Deputy Staff Judge Advocate for the Coast Guard’s Seventh District where he acted as the legal advisor to the for the District response to Hurricanes Matthew, Irma, and Maria. He previously served as an attorney advisor to the DHS Office of General Counsel, a Staff Attorney for Coast Guard Atlantic Area, and a defense counsel at the Navy’s Defense Service Office in Norfolk, Virginia. 

Prior to becoming a Judge Advocate Captain Cintron spent six years operating onboard various Coast Guard cutters with assignments including Deck Watch officer onboard USCGC VIGILANT and executive officer of CGC OCRACOKE.  He also previously commanded USCGC ADAK, in Manama Bahrain, and USCGC FARALLON, in Miami, Florida.

Captain Cintron’s personal military awards include three Meritorious Service Medals, two Coast Guard Commendation Medals with the Operational Distinguishing Device, the Coast Guard Achievement Medal with the Operational Distinguishing Device, the Navy Achievement Medal and the Commandant’s Letter of Commendation.

Captain Cintron received his Bachelors in Science in Government from the United States Coast Guard Academy in May 2000. He received his Juris Doctor from Florida Coastal School of Law in December of 2010 and was admitted to practice law in Florida in April of 2011. Captain Cintron is married to Ms. Vanessa Robinson.


Master Chief Dax Burgrabe


Master Chief Dax Burgrabe assumed the duties as Command Master Chief of Sector Corpus Christi, Texas in June 2023. As the Command Senior Enlisted Leader, his primary responsibility is to advise the Sector Commander and all personnel attached within the Sector Corpus Christi AOR, on matters impacting the workforce and their families. Most recently, Master Chief Burgrabe, served as the Officer in Charge of CGC CLAMP, homeported in Galveston, TX where his primary mission was to service and build aids to navigation throughout the Houston Ship Channel and adjacent waterways.

Master Chief Burgrabe’s previous assignments include Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Eufaula, AL; Operations Petty Officer, CGC ALDER, Duluth, MN; Operations Petty Officer, Aids to Navigation Team New York, Bayonne, NJ; First Lieutenant, CGC SEAHAWK, Carrabelle, FL; Deck Seaman, CGC SHERMAN, Alameda, CA.

Master Chief Burgrabe is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Leadership Course (SELC), Class 93, where he earned the Cesar Romero Exceptional Shipmate award and the Chief Petty Officer’s Academy, Class 242, where he earned the Spirit of the Chief Award. He is also a graduate of various service schools including multiple National Aids to Navigation (NATON) schools, Boat Forces Command Cadre School, and Prospective Commanding Officer/Executive Officer (PCO/PXO) Afloat School, Class 01-19, where he earned the Newcomb Award.

Originally from Herrin, Illinois, Master Chief Burgrabe enlisted in the United States Coast Guard in September 2004. His personal awards include five Commendation Medals, two Coast Guard Achievement Medals, and three Coast Guard Letters of Commendation Ribbons, all with the operational distinguishing device. In addition to various other personal and unit level awards, he wears the Officer in Charge Afloat and Ashore devices for Aids to Navigation Specialties, and the Permanent Cutterman and Coxswain Insignias.