Master Chief Shawn Burns
Command Master Chief
Eighth Coast Guard District
Master Chief Shawn Burns assumed the duties as Command Master Chief for the 8th Coast Guard District in June 2022. His primary responsibility is to advise the 8th Coast Guard District Commander on issues and initiatives pertaining to all Coast Guard members and their families throughout the district, encompassing 26 states, including the Gulf of Mexico coastline from Florida to Mexico, the adjacent offshore waters and outer continental shelf, as well as the inland waterways of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and Tennessee River systems. Prior to this assignment, Master Chief Burns served as the Command Master Chief of Coast Guard Base Portsmouth, VA.
Master Chief Shawn Burns enlisted in the Coast Guard on June 1, 1993, from Virginia Beach, Virginia. His previous assignments include: Aviation Training Program Manager – CG-41 and Education Training and Quota Management Command, Chesapeake, VA; Fixed Wing Leading Chief and UAS Sensor Operator at CG Air Station Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX; HU-25 Standardization Chief Aviation Training Center, Mobile, AL; Aviation Logistics Center, Elizabeth City, NC; Air Station Miami, Miami, FL; CG Station Southwest Harbor, ME; and Coast Guard Cutter Point Hannon.
Master Chief Burns is a proud graduate of the Advanced Aviation Integrated Weapons System Maintenance Class, Pensacola, FL, Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer’s Academy Class 155 and the Coast Guard Senior Enlisted Leadership Course Class 43.
Master Chief Burns personal awards include a Meritorious Service Medal, two Commendation Medals, five Achievement Medals, Army Achievement Medal, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the Aircrew Insignia, and other personal, unit and service awards.
Master Chief Burns is married to the former Kristen Ann Walsh of Virginia Beach, VA and they have two adult children Lindsay and Ryan.