Where to send Certificate of Inspection (COI) renewal applications: 

Unit Name / Contact Information:

Sector Upper Mississippi River MARINE-INSPECTORS@uscg.mil
MSD Peoria MSDPeoria@uscg.mil
MSD Quad Cities stl-smb-msdquadcitiesnotifications@uscg.mil
MSD ST Paul MSDStPaul@uscg.mil
Sector Ohio Valley VesselinspectionsLouisville@uscg.mil
MSU Paducah STL-PF-MSUPaducah-Inspections@uscg.mil
MSU Pittsburgh MSUPittsburghinspinv@uscg.mil
MSU Huntington HuntingtonITV@USCG.Mil
MSD Cincinati MSDCincinnati@uscg.mil
MSD Nashville MSDNashville@uscg.mil
Sector Lower Mississippi River SLMRInspections@uscg.mil
MSD Vicksburg MSUVick@uscg.mil
MSD Fort Smith, AR STL-SMB-MSDFTSmith@uscg.mil
MSU Morgan City MORMSINSP@uscg.mil
MSD Lafayette MSULafayette@uscg.mil
MSU Houma D08-SMB-MSUHouma-Inspections@uscg.mil
MSU Baton Rouge D08-DG-MSUBatonRouge-ITV@uscg.mil 
Sector Houston-Galveston Houstondom@uscg.mil
MSU Texas City D08-SMB-MSUTexasCityITV@uscg.mil
MSU Port Arthur MSUPAInspections@uscg.mil
MSU Lake Charles MSULCINSP@uscg.mil
Sector Corpus Christi CorpusDVS@uscg.mil
MSD Brownsville BrownsvillePSC@uscg.mil
MSD Victoria MSUVictoria@uscg.mil
Sector Mobile MOBinsp@uscg.mil
MSD Panama City MSDPanamacityinspections@uscg.mil

Inspected Towing Vessel Appeals

An appeal response is not intended to set precedent nor considered to be binding of an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection’s (OCMI) discretion on future vessel inspections. However, publishing appeal responses provides insight and transparency to the appeal process.

  • If you have been directly affected by a decision or action of an OCMI you may, after requesting reconsideration to the cognizant OCMI, make a formal appeal, via the cognizant OCMI, to the Eighth District Commander, in accordance with Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1.03-15.

  • If you have been directly affected by a decision or action by a classification society or a third-party organization performing a survey under subchapter M of Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or action by the classification society or third-party organization, make a formal appeal to the cognizant OCMI, in accordance with Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1.03-55.

  • If you have been directly affected by a decision or action by a classification society or a third-party organization performing an audit under subchapter M of Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations may, after requesting reconsideration of the decision or action by the classification society or third-party organization, make a formal appeal to the District Commander of the district in which the audit was performed, in accordance with Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1.03-55.


Recent Appeals

46 CFR 143.230 – High Level Bilge Alarms