"Courage Dans La Tempete"
Cutter Joseph Doyle is one of seven fast response cutters under the operational control of Sector San Juan, Puerto Rico, which conduct Coast Guard missions including Counter-Drug, Alien-Migrant Interdiction Operations, and Search and Rescue throughout a 1.2 million square mile area of responsibility spanning Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and much of the Eastern Caribbean. The crew of the cutter Joseph Doyle engages with various agencies such as Customs & Border Protection and local law enforcement to ensure that local and federal laws are upheld on the high seas and all waters over which the United States has jurisdiction.

U.S. Life Saving Service crew landing rescued
Coast Guard Heroes: Joseph O. Doyle
WPC-1133 is named after Joseph O. Doyle who started serving as the Keeper of the Charlotte, New York Life Saving Station, in 1878, and became one of the most admired keepers of the United States Lifesaving Service. Amongst several rescues, Doyle was awarded the Gold Life Saving Medal for his courageous efforts during two shipwreck rescues in the fall of 1878.
Phone: 787-922-3473
Address: 5 Calle La Puntilla, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901