AS Borinquen

Air Station Borinquen

Base Detachment Borinquen and Air Station Borinquen Hurricane Condition
Status Line (787) 890-8461

Jun 4, 2020

Hurricane Condition 4.
Hurricane Season runs from June 1 st - November 30th

Base Detachment Borinquen and Air Station Borinquen are currently at Hurricane Condition 4.  Local residents are still encouraged to be aware of potential hurricane hazards. Please consult the Update line, (787)890-8461, for future updates.

If you need a listing of recommended hurricane supplies, consult the Housing Manual, or obtain information through the Air Station web site.  Please direct any questions to Facilities Engineering, Housing or your block captain.

Thank you.

Important Contacts:
Name                                                          Phone
OOD                                                   (787) 306-7431
Duty HS                                              (787) 221-0015
Front Gate                                  (787) 890-8400 Ext. 8529
CG SUPRT                                         (855) 247-8778
Reyna McGuire (Ombudsman)          (310) 383-8106
Carla Banducci (Ombudsman)           (949) 394-3542
Nicole Hammond (Ombudsman)       (802) 558-7604

Hurricane Season from June 1st - November 30th
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and do not represent any implicit or explicit endorsement by the
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 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season

Severe Weather Information 

Suggested Hurricane Supply List 

 Home Preparation

Air Station Borinquen Family Guide

 Household Inventory

 Protecting Your Records

 Boat Preparations

 Recommendations for Children

 Renter's Insurance


Home Owner's Insurance 




  Be Informed

 Plan Ahead

  Get Involved




 Weather Sites

 Weather Underground

 The Weather Channel

 NOAA Atlantic