Patient Advisory
The Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) meets once each quarter and is chaired by the Chief of Health & Safety. This committee serves to keep our patients up-to-date on clinic services, changes in policy and special events. It also provides a forum to receive input from our customers that will help us improve our services. It is an environment which encourages an open dialog between the Chief of Health and Safety, Clinic Administrator, and the patient. The meetings are open to any beneficiary and you do not need an invitation.
Each command that receives health care from the clinic has a representative that regularly sits on the committee. If you are unable to attend yourself, contact your command representative who will bring your concerns to the meeting. Ask your XO who the representative is?
If your command is not represented at the PAC and you would like to represent your command or if you are unable to attend but have a concern you would like to have discussed at the PAC, contact (787) 890 8477.
You do not need to wait to the next PAC meeting to bring you concern to the Chief of Health & Safety. You can email (need email to add) your concern to us. If you feel uncomfortable providing your feedback to the Health & Safety Division you can contact your Command Master Chief.