Air Station Cape Cod Emblem

Air Station Cape Cod


Air Station Cape Cod Ombudsman

The Air Station Cape Cod’s Ombudsman is a volunteer (who may be a Spouse, Reservist, or Auxilliarist) that is designated by the command to serve as a link between the command and families. The Ombudsman assists the command in its functions of providing information and related services to families regarding sources of assistance available to them, Coast Guard and command policies, and activities of interest to family members. The Commanding Officer stresses that "A successful military career is the ultimate 'Team Sport'. All family members are affected by the military member's decision to serve our country. The Ombudsman serves as a vital link for the commanding officer, ensuring the command meets the needs of the vital, military family."

Email the Air Station Cape Cod Ombudsman at:

Cape Cod Spouses Association

The Cape Cod Spouses Association consists of Coast Guard spouses and family members. Their purpose is to connect spouses and families in a friendly atmosphere within the military and local communities. Their focus is to engage in social, charitable, and educational activities.

Email the Cape Cod Spouses Association at: