The mission of PATFORSWA is to equip, deploy, and support mission-ready Coast Guard forces to conduct maritime operations across the Middle East for U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (CENTCOM).
Initially deployed in 2003 in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, PATFORSWA is now a permanent presence based out of the Kingdom of Bahrain, providing capable littoral assets for maritime interdiction, theater security cooperation, and maritime domain awareness operations.
In the midst of a fleet transition from WPBs to WPCs, the PATFORSWA squadron currently consists of six 154’ Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutters, a cutter relief crew, and a 150-member mission support detachment in Bahrain.
PATFORSWA also has a Maritime Engagement Team (MET) that conducts Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) expertise exchanges and engagement activities with U.S. and partner nation maritime forces.