An engineer on DEPENDABLE conducts maintenance on the Reduction Gear.

An engineer on DEPENDABLE conducts maintenance on the Reduction Gear.

Boat deck personnel launch the Mk-IV Over-the-Horizon cutter boat.

Boat deck personnel launch the Mk-IV Over-the-Horizon cutter boat.

Members of deck department get ready for an anchoring evolution.

Members of deck department get ready for an anchoring evolution.

Crewmembers conduct flight deck operations with a MH-65 helicopter.

Crewmembers conduct flight deck operations with a MH-65 helicopter.

A DEPENDABLE crewmember works in the scullery.

A DEPENDABLE crewmember works in the scullery.

A DEPENDABLE law enforcement team member climbs on board the cutter following avessel boarding.

A DEPENDABLE law enforcement team member climbs on board the cutter following a vessel boarding.

A crewmember stands Lookout watch underway.

A crewmember stands Lookout watch underway.