Private Aids Section

Eighth Coast Guard District
500 Poydras St
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 671-2328 

Private Aids to Navigation (PATON):


Private Aids to Navigation are aids to navigation established and maintained by anyone other than the U.S. Coast Guard or any other armed service.  The federal regulations which mandate compliance are listed in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 64 (Marking of Structures, Sunken Vessels and other Obstructions), Part 66 (Private Aids to Navigation), and Part 67 (Aids to Navigation on Artificial Islands and Fixed Structures).

Private aids are used in the oil and gas industry, state and local governments, by private individuals and business entities throughout 26 states within the Eighth Coast Guard District.

The Eighth Coast Guard District, Private Aids to Navigation Section, is responsible for administering the private aids programs within the Eighth Coast Guard District area of responsibility.

The following is a brief outline of how the Eighth CG District Private Aids permitting process works:

  1. Owner completes appropriate permit applications (CG-2554 or CG-4143), and AIS Addendum), and forwards the completed application along with a copy of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers permit (if applicable) and private aid project information, to the Eighth CG District, Private Aids Section.
  2. CG receives application and performs a thorough permit review and waterway analysis, to ensure compliance with applicable federal private aid requirements, uniform aid marking and to ensure waterway safety as a result of the proposed private aid(s) project.
  3. All Private Aids to Navigation applications are required to be submitted a minimum of 120 days prior to installation.
  4. CG approves or disapproves permit request and provides owner with a permit response or correspondence regarding the status of the permit request.
  5. Upon receipt of an approved CG-2554 or CG-4143, the owner may establish the private aids as Indicated on the approved permit.

The following is a brief outline on how to submit a COPY of your Rig Movement Notification Report (BSSE Form-0144) and/or the Notice of Arrival (33 CFR 146.202) to the Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District:

  1. Forward copy of your report (BSSE Form-0144) and/or forward the Notice of Arrival (as per 33 CFR 146.202) information to: Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District via email: D08-DG-DISTRICT-OCS@uscg.mil or you may FAX to: (504) 671-2137.
  2. Please ensure all geographic positioning information (Latitude/Longitude) are provided in the following format: EXAMPLE - 30-00-00.00N, 090-00-00.00W. Upon receiving the required information the Eighth Coast Guard District(dpw) performs a waterways safety review. If the reported rig is operating within one nautical mile of any navigation channel, safety fairway or safety zone an immediate Broadcast Notice to Mariners (BNM) will be issued. Additionally, the rig movement report information will be added to the next Local Notice to Mariners (LNM). The Notice of Arrival information shall be disseminated to the Eighth Coast Guard District(ocs) for processing.
  3. Please email your Rig Movement Notification Report/Notice of Arrival information to: D08-DG-DISTRICT-OCS@uscg.mil
  4. For PATON Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, please send an email to our Coast Guard Headquarters at: efoia@uscg.mil
