Area of Responsibility
Activities Europe has the largest geographic area of responsibility of any USCG field unit -- spanning the Arctic Circle to the Cape of Good Hope. Marine Inspectors and International Port Security Liaison Officers travel regularly to coastal regions throughout the continents of Europe and Africa as well nations in the Arabian Gulf.
- Activities Europe personnel spend an average of 100 days a year on work assignments outside of The Netherlands.
- The Marine Inspections division conducts 60% of vessel inspections in Europe, 30% in the Middle East, and 10% are in Africa.
- 65% of Maritime Security engagements occur Africa, 17% in the Middle East, and 7% in Europe.
- Activities Europe personnel travel to over 80 different countries carrying out our various mission responsibilities.
- From 2016 thru 2020 Activities Europe marine inspectors conducted more than 650 vessel inspections and International Port Security Liaison Officers conducted more than 400 country engagements.
Note: Vessels operating in Diego Garcia and the Arabian Sea east of Iran should contact US Coast Guard Activities Far East
U.S. Coast Guard Activities Far East (FEACT)

E-mail: feact@uscg.mil
Internet: https://www.pacificarea.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/District-14/D14-Units/Activities-Far-East-FEACT/
Japan Office
Tel: +81-42-507-6545
Fax: +81-42-551-5571
DSN: 225-8405
Marine Inspection Detachment (MIDET) Singapore
Tel: +65-6750-2340
Fax: +65-6750-2357
DSN: 421-2340