Welcome Aboard
Congratulations on your assignment to the United States Coast Guard Cutter RELIANCE (WMEC 615), which is located at Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL 32508. CGC RELIANCE is an exciting operational unit with diverse mission requirements and a fast-paced operational tempo, your time on board will be challenging and rewarding.
To help make your transfer as smooth and pleasant as possible, your sponsor will be able to assist you in any way possible. I strongly encourage you to call with your questions or concerns. You can reach the cutter’s quarterdeck at (207) 438-2605. You may also reach out to your sponsor via email.
We are located at Naval Air Station Pensacola. The address of the Naval Air Station is 280 Taylor Road Pensacola, FL 32508. The unit address is 211 South Avenue Pensacola, FL 32508. A Military issued ID is required of all employees for entry.
If CGC RELIANCE is underway you shall report to A&T Pensacola and check in with the A&T Supervisor, YNC Capochino. YN1 Rios will provide further instructions on when and where you will be meeting the ship.
*Please be mindful of opsec when discussing your reporting dates and location of cgc reliance
Getting to Pensacola
Arriving by Automobile
Driving Directions:
To get to NAS Pensacola from Interstate I-10:
Westbound on I-10, exit at Exit 2. Turn right (south) onto SR-297 (Pine Forest Road), at approximately 3.5 miles turn right at the intersection of SR-297 (Pine Forest Rd) and Longleaf Drive onto Longleaf Drive. Follow Longleaf Drive to SR-173 (Blue Angel Parkway). Follow SR-173 Southbound to the Back Gate of NAS Pensacola.
Eastbound on I-10, exit at Exit 2. Turn left (south onto SR-297 (Pine Forest Road), at approximately 3.5 miles turn right at the intersection of SR-297 (Pine Forest Road) and Longleaf Drive onto Longleaf Drive. Follow Longleaf Drive to SR-173 (Blue Angel Parkway). Follow SR-173 Southbound to the Back Gate of NAS Pensacola.
To NAS Pensacola Region from Pensacola Regional Airport:
When leaving the airport, stay to the left (follow the signs directing you to the Beaches and Downtown). At the intersection of Airport Blvd. and 12th Ave., turn Left onto 12th Ave. Stay on 12th Ave until you reach a sign that reads "12th Ave Next Left", stay to the right into Fairfield Dr. Stay on Fairfield Dr. and look for a large sign that reads "295 South Pensacola NAS". Merge to the Left which will put you on New Warrington Rd. Stay on New Warrington Rd which turns into Navy Blvd. Navy Blvd takes you to the Front Gate of NAS Pensacola Region.
To Corry Station (Center for Information Dominance) from Pensacola Airport:
Follow the above directions to NAS Pensacola from Pensacola Airport until you reach "Chiefs Way" (look for the sign after you pass the Jackson Street and New Warrington Rd Intersection). Turn Right and follow Chiefs Way to the Front Gate of Corry Station.
Arriving by Plane
Pensacola International Airport is located in the Northeast side of Pensacola, approximately 13 miles (25 to 30 minutes) from NAS Pensacola. Conveniently located near Cordova Mall and Pensacola State College Main Campus.
USO Center at the Pensacola International Airport:
Suite 216 850-455-8280 Option 1
USO Pensacola International Airport is committed to lifting the spirits of America’s troops and their families within the Northwest Florida panhandle. Our center includes a movie area (DVD, Blu-Ray, cable); a game area (XBox 360, Wii), a kitchen (snacks and drinks), a library area (books, Wi-Fi) and computer area (computers, laptops) or we can simply be a place to rest between flights. With a host of dedicated volunteers in the center and at the information booth, the USO located at Pensacola International Airport is a must-stop while traveling through Pensacola. Open seven days a week.
There are many facilities and services available at Naval Air Station Pensacola including a Navy Exchange, Commissary, Community Center, Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Tennis Courts, Childcare Center, Movie Theatre, MWR Recreation Center, Barrancas Beach, Marina, Hospital, Cleaners, Medical and Dental services to name a few: https://www.mybaseguide.com/navy/1/nas_pensacola or https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrse/installations/nas_pensacola.html
Housing Information and local support:
ALL members reporting to CGC RELIANCE must obtain a written "Release From Assignment To Government Housing" from our housing office prior to procuring housing in the civilian sector.
You may contact the housing office at Base New Orleans.
The New Orleans Housing Branch is the Area Housing Office that provides program oversight of the various Local Housing Authorities/Officers within the lower Eighth District area of responsibility (AOR). You will need the following items when requesting a release from Government Housing:
- Copy of Members PCS Orders
- Copy of BAH Dependency Data Form
- Complete DD Form 1746 Application for Assignment to housing
If you plan on living on the economy check the BAH rates for your pay grade and zip code 32508. For a BAH calculator, visit http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm.
Balfour Beatty manages all military housing areas in Pensacola and Milton (Escambia County and Santa Rosa County) Florida. For a complete list of housing properties and additional information visit http://naspensacolahomes.com
The Housing Welcome Center on-board NAS Pensacola offers a full range of housing services and support to all service members of all branches of the services of, to include, but not limited to, a volunteer relator to assist with off-base housing, off-base rental listing, Rental Partnership Program, and Geographical Bachelor Quarters. For assistance and for additional information call 850-452-5168.
Your transition relocation assistance manager (TRM) is Mr. Brad Welch. His office provides assistance with relocation, transition and spousal employment. His e-mail address is Brad.Welch@uscg.mil. For additional Work Life assistance you can dial 1-800-872-4957 ext 308 or use the website:
- Information on the area can be found at http://www.visitpensacola.com for local news and weather, please review the above link or https://weartv.com
- If you are married or have dependents, please feel free to contact our ombudsman Mrs. Amber Duncan and her network of crewmembers’ spouses. Ombudsman’s email address is: relianceombudsman@gmail.com.
- School Liaison Officer: Carissa Bergosh NAS Pensacola, 4119 Children’s Lane, Pensacola, FL 32511. Office: 850-458-6588
- The school district provides choice to incoming military families. They can choose to attend any non-over-capacity school in the district. The parents provide own transportation. School options in Pensacola include public schools in Escambia County School District. http://www.escambiaschools.net